Gifts to the Share in the Spirit will be acknowledged by Bishop Koenig and are tax deductible as provided by law. All funds raised through the collection are used exclusively to support tuition assistance.
Pledging: You may make a pledge and pay in monthly installments. A monthly reminder statement will be sent until your gift is fulfilled.
One-time Gift: Visa debit/credit card or bank account.
You can make an online pledge, or a one-time gift, by clicking the button below:
or, you can donate by mailing a check directly to the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington (address below).
Matching Gifts: Many companies provide a Matching Gift Program for their current and retired employees to promote charitable giving. Please contact your company’s Human Resource Department to determine if a matching gift program is available.
Gifts of Securities: If you own securities that have appreciated in value, they can be given to the collection and their full market value becomes a tax deductible gift. Contact the diocesan Development Office at 302-573-3121 for more detail.
Note: Instructions may vary by transaction type, i.e. mutual fund, shares held in an investment fund or registered with Computershare Investor Services. Be sure to contact the Development Office to ensure proper transfer of funds and appropriate credit to you as the donor.
Online Bill Pay: If you utilize this electronic technique to pay bills, simply add the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington Share in the Spirit as a recurring payee. Payments should be mailed to:
Share in the Spirit
Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
P. O. Box 2030
Wilmington, DE 19899-2030
Donate using PayPal: (Note: Debit/Credit card is an available option; however, the transaction is processed through PayPal.)