The Office of Missions and the Propogation of the Faith of the Diocese of Wilmington has, as its primary purpose, the promotion of the universal mission spirit – a spirit of prayer and sacrifice – among all baptized Catholics.
All baptized Catholics should express their missionary commitment by offering prayers, personal sacrifices and financial support for the work of the Catholic Church in the missions throughout all parts of the world.
Our Lord has instructed us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19).
The Diocese of Wilmington receives hundreds of different missionary needs throughout the year. Your support is vitally crucial to spread the Catholic Faith and to bring the comfort of our Lord’s Gospel message to all.
Support the Propogation of the Faith during the World Mission Sunday collection on the third weekend of October in the Diocese of Wilmington.
Mailing Address: Missions Office – Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
P.O. Box 2030 Wilmington, DE 19899-2030
Phone: 302-573-3144
[email protected]
Deacon Austin A. Lobo, Ph.D., Director
Ms. Leigh Ann Flickinger, Administrative Assistant