The Office for Marriage and Family Life provides various formational, educational, supportive, social and spiritual enrichment programs and resources for individuals, couples and families.
Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass 2025 with Bishop Koenig
St. Margaret of Scotland
February 9. 2025
1:00 PM
*Registration will begin in December!
Celebrate National Marriage Week 2025 – The observances of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (February 9) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family.
Photos from Wedding Anniversary Mass – 2024 (click the link below)
*Click on the THIS link to access the pictures from the Annual Wedding Mass – February 11, 2024
*For those of you who enjoy seeing these in your church bulletins, you can join the email list by visiting the website:
Marriage Moments for September
Sept. 2: (Labor Day) Although Sept. 2 is a USA national holiday when many people are off work, consider what “labor of love” you can do for your beloved today. Perhaps pick a job your honey typically does and do it for him/her today.
Sept. 9: All those ‘and they lived happily ever after’ fairy tale endings need to be changed to ‘and they began the very hard work of making their marriage happy’. (Linda Miles, The New Marriage) Are there any fairy tale dreams I’m still holding that block my ability to love my spouse for better or for worse?
Sept. 16: Sept. 16 is Independence Day in Mexico. Although US citizens celebrate July 4 as Independence Day, independence and dependence are concepts bigger than one’s country of origin. Healthy marriages involve both freedom and helping with your beloved’s needs. Which is easier for you?
Sept. 23: Listening is not the same as being quiet. After the quiet, an effort to show your beloved you understand should follow. It may not require words, but it takes paying attention.
Sept. 30: How do you tell your spouse something that may be difficult for them to hear? Honest but gentle face-to-face communication is an art that some of us are not that good at. Sometimes a sincere letter can work well.
Parenting Pointers for September
Sept. 6: If your kids are of school age, September can be a hectic time. Some folks are naturally organized. Others need the help of a daily/weekly calendar, a check list, a bedtime review, etc. Ask your child what might help them even if it’s you getting out of the way.
Sept. 13: Is your family broken? (divorce, infidelity, the painful loss of a child or spouse…) all of these things, and others, can shatter a family. Be patient with yourself. If your own family is OK for now, does a family you know need support?
Sept. 20: Are you tired of repeating yourself over and over to your kids? Step 1 – Get at eye-level with your child, then start to speak. Step 2 – Ask for an “Echo” Let your child repeat what you’ve said. (Family Minute)
Sept. 27: If your child is old enough to read, writing them a special letter can sometimes be more powerful than speech. Include 2 things – that you love them for who they are; then praise them for a couple of their unique abilities.
Painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Prayer for Families
God, Our Father, loving and merciful, bring together and keep all families in perfect unity of love and mutual support.
Instill in each member the spirit of understanding and affection for each other.
Keep quarrels and bitterness far from them, and for their occasional failures instill forgiveness and peace.
May the mutual love and affection of parents set a good example.
Instill in children self-respect that they may respect others and grow in mature independence.
May the mutual affection and respect of families be a sign of Christian, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.