Catholic Charities to reopen Princess Anne homeless shelter
May 17, 2024 — (Princess Anne, MD) — Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington will reopen and manage the facility formerly known as The Lower Shore Shelter, located at 12518 Somerset Avenue in Princess Anne, Maryland, it was announced recently. For many years, Catholic Charities has operated the Seton Center, a multi-purpose neighborhood community center located in Princess Anne. Seton Center was established in 1983 by the Sisters of Charity to serve the needs of the community.
“We look forward to reopening the shelter and welcoming those who are in need,” said the Most Reverend William E. Koenig, Bishop of the Diocese of Wilmington. “It is another opportunity for the Catholic community to answer the Gospel mandate to love our neighbor by helping the less fortunate. We are blessed to be able to expand our services in Somerset County in this manner.”
The shelter, which has been closed since the summer of 2023, is owned by Somerset County. Catholic Charities will lease the home in the hopes of opening the new shelter by mid-summer 2024. The name of the new shelter will be determined at a later date.
With locations in Wilmington, Newark, Dover, Georgetown and Milton, Delaware and Princess Anne, Maryland; Catholic Charities is responsible for directing and coordinating the charitable and social service programs of the Diocese of Wilmington. It offers a wide range of human services to strengthen families, care for children and the aged, assist the disadvantaged, and build human relationships. It works in concert with other religious, non-profit, and public agencies, and in collaboration with the business and professional communities. No one is excluded from service because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, or ability to pay.
The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington was established in 1868 and comprises 56 parishes, 18 missions and 20 schools serving the State of Delaware and the nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. There are approximately 246,000 Catholics in the diocese. More information is available at
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Media Contact: Bob Krebs
[email protected]